Saturday, November 5, 2011


 Wow. This is my first post in November. Been unbelievably busy, hardly home, and sick. Today was a yard sale out in the cold (cold for California, high of 59 degrees). In-between rain storms. I hate yard sales. First, you're up early on Sat., when you should be sleeping. There are these weird people who come to your house in trucks & cars and vans, already loaded down with stuff from yard sales. Who ARE these people? Where do they come from? Don't they sleep? Then you have something truly worth over $100. You're basically giving it away for $50. Then somebody offers you $5. Are THEY stupid, or do they hope that YOU are? It's really insulting. They assume that just because you are selling your belongings just to survive that you are also a complete moron.
Then, you're stuck with all this stuff that didn't sell. NOW what do you do with it? Put it back somewhere? Give it away? It kills me to give away stuff that I COULD have SOLD. I NEED the extra $. But no, now I have to either find some place for this semi-unwanted stuff, or give it away. And no sooner do you give it away, but you need it. You find out the ghastly brush thing you threw away was Napoleon's toilet brush, worth $75,000. Or somehow, some thing you've had for years in a closet or garage and would probably NEVER need, you give it away and suddenly you NEED the stupid thing. If you'd kept it, you'd NEVER need it. You know how it is. It's like when you're home alone and nobody calls... until you're in the shower.
   Well, tonite's the time change. We "fall back" an hour. I don't like when it gets dark early, but I can dig another hour of sleep. Well, speaking of time, thank you for spending a piece of your time reading this. I hope that somehow you enjoy it.

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