Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year?

   Now this is sad. It's 11:35 on New Year's Eve, and I'm doofing around on a computer. I was just on Facebook. I realized how pathetic it is to be sitting by myself, messing around on a computer, when normal people are with family & friends and having fun. I am home with my family, which is where I'd rather be than anywhere else. Part of the reason we're home is because there are too many drunk idiots on the road. Another reason is because nobody invited us anywhere. I suppose we could've just gone to a house at random and asked to be invited in, but that can be risky.
   Well, Lord willing, starting tomorrow, I'm jumping back on my story. I HAVE to finish it somehow or another, even if it means re-writing the whole blessed thing.
   Good bye, 2011. Or should I say , "Good riddance"? I can only hope & pray 2012 will be better. The only way it could be worse is with a nuclear war.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I guarantee the world ain't ending in 2012.

   I can guarantee that. The world ain't ending in 2012, no matter what some people thought the Mayans thought.
   Jesus Christ COULD come for His church and snatch us out of here. But the world won't end quite yet. There has to be a 7 year period of judgment on the earth first, then the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. THEN the world will end. For unbelievers, that is. It will be a beginning for those of us who follow Jesus Christ. We will experience eternally a NEW Heaven and a new earth. So, I can guarantee the world ain't ending in 2012.
   I began looking at my story and trying to figure what to change. It's gonna be a monster. I've been doing tons of research and asking experts questions, trying to avoid having to rewrite the whole dadblame story. But, it looks like I'm going to have to rewrite the whole dadblame story. I'll keep you posted. And I'll try to write on here more often.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


   Well, looked over my story a couple days ago. Just thinking about the task of re-writing that story is completely overwhelming. I've been thinking, researching, and trying to figure how I can keep my story as-is. I really can't. I have to delete tons of good stuff I came to love. It feels like killing a dog you raised from birth.
   You may be thinking, "Wow. Really? That drastic? Come on, now!" Well, it took me 9 months to write, and 11 years to research & re-write. So, yeah. At least I looked at the story. It's a start. I want to get on to other stories. I have tons of stories burning a hole in my brain. Maybe tomorrow I'll have the time & courage to attack the story once again.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's been forever.

   Wow, It's been WEEKS! I've been super busy, and haven't worked on my story ever since I realized I need to re-write the whole thing again. I think about it all the time; but I'm totally overwhelmed at the thought of having to delete and re-write stuff that I've grown to love. I really like the way the story was turning out. I don't know how it's gonna have the life and character that it has now.
   My dear friend Mike Muertter was in town for the last 3 weeks. He lives in Germany with his family. He's a dear brother in Christ, and was my first Christian friend. He's been a dear brother for 34 years, ever since 10th grade. Even as I'm typing this, he's flying back home. Why is it that my closest, dearest friends all seem to end up living far away? As a character in a Little Rascals movie said once, "A once-in-a-lifetime friend only comes along once in a lifetime." I can't wait for the Lord to return and there will be no more sadness, no more separation.