Monday, September 17, 2012

What thinkest thou?

   These days, it seems to me that our freedom of speech and expression are more and more limited and attacked. Case in point, the whole mess with the "anti-Islam" movie, as the media puts it. I don't know the guy that made the film, or even much about him. I haven't seen the film. I don't plan to. I don't know too much about it. But I can't help but wonder, what about these people running around burning flags and shouting "Off with his head!" and "Death to America!"? Have ANY of them seen the film? I highly doubt it. It hasn't even been released, except for snips of it on the Internet. My question also is, is Mohammed and their beloved Allah so weak that they can't defend themselves? People blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ every day. Do we followers of Christ behead them and burn their homes? Do we pour into the streets in a frenzy like blood-crazed sharks? No. We are to pray for those who persecute us, to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. Why? Because vengeance belongs to the Lord. He will repay. Jesus Christ can and does defend Himself. God will not be mocked. Just because He is silent now does not mean that He does not see and care about what's going on. He will return. He will come in judgment. He is coming with rewards for those who love and serve Him.
   In the mean time, it seems that our freedom of expression is becoming increasingly limited. People are so afraid to upset these fundementalists and extremists.  As I mentioned, I don't know the maker of the film. I do not support nor attack him. I am just saying, is he not entitiled to his opinion? Do people on the other side of the world have the right to try to kill him? Is not their god (Allah) able to defend himself? Or is he so weak, his followers have to defend him? If we bow in fear to these terrorists, as it seems America and the media are doing, then they have won already.
   What do YOU think? Let me know. Thanks.

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