Monday, August 8, 2011


   Well, today was one of those stinking days I shoulda stayed asleep.
   We went to the Antiques Roadshow out of town. Packed up a bunch of stuff that my parents & us have had for years. Some going back to the 1800s. We thought some may actually worth something. You ever see that show? People have stuff like Cleopatra's nail file, Napoleon's toilet brush, or whatever. Some piece of junk can be worth tens of thousands of dollars. All of our stuff combined was probably worth enough to buy a burger combo at Carl's Jr. Really disappointing to save stuff all your life, just to find out it ain't worth any more than it was in 1832 or whatever.
   We got home, only to find out that my uncle, Don Josselyn, died this afternoon. He was a great man. I wish I knew him better. I wish I sat at his feet when I was a kid & drank in his knowledge. He fought the war from home, by building aircraft. He knew everything about planes. As a dumb little kid, I didn't pay attention. I could have learned a lot. Why do we appreciate people and things only when they're gone? I hope he's with the Lord. I look forward to having some great visits.

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