Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Failte! (That's Welcome! in Irish)

Dia duit! That's Howdy! in Irish. Welcome to my happy little blog. I'm slowly attempting to join the 21st century, like it or not. I've sort of resisted all this high-tech stuff. I have an in-born mistrust of computers and stuff sometimes. I know you can do amazing stuff with computers these days, but I just have this weird mistrust of machines. I am terribly inept when it comes to gadgets, too. If I'm seen carrying a screwdriver, I'm usually questioned in concerned tones about where I'm going with that screwdriver. Most things have to be repaired or replaced that I tried to fix.
   Anyhow, after that weird introduction, I just want to let you know I just got this blog today (July 13, 2011). I will try to update as often as possible. I had a website for 5 whole days. We cancelled it yesterday for many reasons. It's a long story, and even longer when I tell it. But I'm going to try to do with a blog, e-mail & Facebook what I wanted to do using a website.
   So, why a blog? First of all, to try to connect and reconnect with my friends. Also, I hope to promote my writing, and display art work and crafts that my sons and I make.
   I do have a Facebook account. I've been terribly slow at keeping up with it. I get on it about every 6 months. I'll try hard to keep up with it. Sorry ... I'm not doing funky games & stuff. My interest is communication. I wrote a story about 10 years ago. I get it out, re-read it, polish it, re-write stuff. It's finally at the point where it's finally ready to go out to see agents & publishers (I hope). I COULD make it longer, but it would probably just be meaningless fluff that a publisher would probably edit out, anyhow. I have been doing tedious agent searching lately. I have spent more months than I care to remember looking for an agent who may be interested in taking a look at my story.  I have literally  researched dozens of agents. I've narrowed it down to about three. One of whom I really would like to represent my story, but she only represents novels that are longer than mine. I just came across a list with 40 Christian agents. Each would have to be researched individually, and would take days. Oy.
   I currently have more story ideas than I could write in my lifetime, unless I live to be 198 years old, and the nursing home I end up in has a computer I can use. More about the story I wrote in later blogs.      My sons and I got turned on to a fun art form. I first saw it like 20 years ago. It's spray painting space pictures. It's really fun and surprisingly easy. We have many that are 8 1/2 X 11" and some that are larger. If you'd like to view some of them, check out You can find my hideously outdated Facebook account by looking up Tim Klock, the one who lives in Riverside, CA. Believe it or not, there are other imposters who have the audacity to call themselves Tim Klock. Or maybe their parents called them Tim Klock. If your name ISN"T Tim Klock, WHY would you say it IS? If it IS Tim Klock, why would you admit it? It would be much more advantageous to go by Melchizedek Reynolds or something intriguing like that. If your name is Melchizidek Reynolds, please don't sue me. It was a name that just came to me. Really. Relax.
   We (my sons and I) also have an e-mail account at We would love to hear from you. Really. That's what this is all about.
   I also do occasional oil paintings. Bob Ross (the "happy trees" dude from public TV) was my inspiration.  We also do photography and have lots of fun with Photoshop. Any of our paintings, photos and sundry crafts are available for purchase, if you so desire. Just let us know what you're interested in & we'll get it mailed to you.
   Well, I better get going. Thank you for taking your valuable time to look at this. Please write back. If even you live in a shack in the South Pole and we've never met. I'll write back.
   Last, but certainly NOT least, I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and have been for 38 years. Also, I love beautiful Ireland, where my family came from back in the 1800's. I'm learning Irish, and I hope to visit Ireland some day. We came from County Cavan, last name of Clarke.
Hope to hear from you soon, and I'll update as soon as I can.


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