Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Twos Day

   As you may have noticed, I didn't write anything yesterday. It was another one of those days.
   I DID do one monumental thing, though. I sent a query of my story to an agency for representation. Yeah, it would be a miracle if they took me on, and a bigger miracle if the story gets published. But, I'm not giving up until I'm dead. Then, I'll try to get published in Heaven or on the new earth.
   If I DO get a rejection notice, I'm going to keep it, frame it, and put it on my wall. I heard of an author who did that. He's a several-times-over published author. He kept his first rejection letter, mainly so that publishing house that rejected him would later feel stupid. It's like the producer I heard about who turned down the Beatles, because he thought they'd never amount to anything. I'm NOT, however, trying to be so conceited as to think that I'm the next Mark Twain or whoever. But I AM framing my first rejection notice. I'm trying to be brave about it, and trying to not get discouraged until after my 100th rejection notice. It reminds me of an old Yiddish proverb; If a man calls you a jackass, ignore him. If two men call you a jackass, ignore them. If a THIRD man calls you a jackass, consider buying a saddle.
   Putting out a query about your story is like slipping a note to a girl you like, hoping she'll like you, too. There's that fear of rejection. It's different with a query, though. There are dozens of reasons why your query may be rejected. It's not quite as personal. If a girl doesn't like you in return, it's more personal, and you can pretty much assume she thinks you're a geek.
   In case you're not familiar about the whole query thing, a query is like a proposal. It tells a little about your story, and a little about you. It's a one-page plea for someone to represent you & your story, or to publish your book. I'm seeking to obtain an author's representative to take on my story and to try to find a publisher for me. One of the most nerve-wracking things about it is, I may not hear anything from them for two months, if ever. Many are nice enough to send you a "We're so sorry" letter. But many don't have the time to personally reject you.
   Now comes the wait. I wanted to use a different agency, but that meant lengthening the story. Actually, making the story nearly twice as long. While I'm waiting, I may write a longer version, just in case. I'll save both and use whichever anybody is interested in.
   I'm sure this is the most intriguing thing you have ever read. The psychotic ramblings of a wannabe author. Oh well. What can you do?

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